vineri, 24 mai 2013

EU leaders commit to step up fight against tax evasion
EU leaders commit to step up fight against tax evasion After a snap EU Summit in Brussels on Wednesday, EU leaders committed to seeking EU-wide measures to tackle tax evasion and reduce bank secrecy. Europe's lea... From: EurActiv Views: 11 1 ratings Time: 01:57 More in News & Politics


West Wing Week: 05/24/13 or "Justice for Everybody"
West Wing Week: 05/24/13 or "Justice for Everybody" This week, the President continued his Jobs & Opportunity tour, this time highlighting bold new efforts in education and manufacturing in Baltimore, gave the... From: The White House Views: 66 14 ratings Time: 05:38 More in News & Politics


Preşedintele Barroso salută angajamentele asumate în materie de energie şi de evaziune şi fraudă fiscală
Preşedintele Barroso a salutat angajamentul asumat de Consiliul European în domeniul politicii energetice şi al evaziunii şi fraudei fiscale.


Comisia Europeana vrea sa oblige marile grupuri sa faca publice impozitele pe care le platesc in fiecare tara
Comisia Europeana vrea sa oblige marile grupuri care exercita activitati in Uniunea Europeana sa faca publice impozitele pe care le platesc in fiecare tara, scrie AFP.
Jean-ClaudeTrichet : pour une Europe économique fédérale
Jean-ClaudeTrichet : pour une Europe économique fédérale Jean-Claude Trichet a présidé la Banque centrale européenne de 2003 à 2011. Notre correspondant permanent à Paris, Giovanni Maggi, a ... From: euronews (en Français) Views: 2 0 ratings Time: 08:08 More in News & Politics